
Trends in Arab Thought: An Interview with Sadek Jalal al-Azm

Entretien de Sadik Jalal al-‘Azm par Abu Fakhr, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2 (Winter, 1998), p. 68-80.



Abu Fakhr: You have stated that one of the errors of the Left was that it neglected the importance of civil society, democracy, human rights, secularism, and so on. At present, many are giving up the mantle of Marxism and enlisting in the ranks of the secularists as though they believed secularism could serve as a shield against religious fundamentalism [salafiyya]. Where do you believe we are headed in the near future?


Arno Schmitt: « Gay Rights versus Human Rights: A Response to Joseph Massad »

Article d’Arno Schmitt paru dans Public Culture, Vol. 15, No 3, Fall 2003, p. 587-591.

Joseph Massad’s article “Re-Orienting Desire: The Gay International and the Arab World” (Public Culture 14 [spring 2002]: 361–85) is a strange concoction. Although ostensibly against the Gay International (GI) and its view that always and everywhere there are gays waiting to be freed by U.S. organizations, Massad attacks scholars who oppose this assumption. To justify his attacks he distorts our writings.


Yadh Ben Achour : Politique, religion et droit dans le monde arabe

Extraits de Yadh Ben Achour, Politique, religion et droit dans le monde arabe, Tunis, Cérès Productions, 1992, p. 26-30.



Le présupposé du chercheur est que tout est explicable et qu’il n’y a nul mystère dans le monde.  (…) L’étude de la religion constitue donc pour lui, une phénoménologie ordinaire et uniquement cela, dans la mesure où la religion est elle-même un phénomène, humainement et socialement explicable, quand bien même on admettrait qu’elle n’est pas un phénomène purement humain.