
A Blasphemous Arrow of Retribution

Article paru dans Wildcat, no. 13, Summer/Autumn 1989, p. 5-6

And it shall come to pass that I will put thee in the cleft of the rock, and I shall take away my hand, and thou shalt see my back parts.

(God, Exodus XXXIII).

Left Wing Reaction in Britain.

The anti-racist theme of the Satanic Verses gives the lie to those who say that Muslim reaction to the book in Britain is a reaction against racism. It goes without saying that people who call for the banning of an anti-religious and anti-racist novel are as reactionary and dangerous as right-wing Christian scum who prosecute gay newspapers. This includes Bernie Grant, Keith Vaz and other Labour MPs. These people are the allies of the Islamic leaders, who defend a reactionary set of social relations which oppress women, divide the working class, and imprison children who happen to be born of Asian parents in a cultural ghetto, when their interests are in breaking out and becoming integrated into the rest of the working class. Multiculturalism is just another racist ideology.


Correspondence: The Satanic Verses Affair (2)

Lettre d’A. El Noor parue dans Solidarity. A Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 24, Summer 1990, p. 15-16

Obsessed with God’s Will

From A EL NOOR, London:

In my article ‘Who is afraid of Satan?‘ (Solidarity #21), I put forward the following ideas:
1. Capitalist technology undermines all traditional cultures and belief systems; 2. A traditionalist culture or belief system under threat will often defend itself by regressing to fundamentalism; 3. Religious fundamentalism is reactionary – spiritually, culturally, socially and politically; 4. A historical (and psychological) interpretation of religion is an essential component of the struggle against religious fundamentalism; 5. In the absence of a historical interpretation of religion people will accept a religious interpretation of history; 6. Atheist socialists and nationalists in Islamic societies have failed to produce and promote a historical interpretation of Islam; 7. Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses is a contribution to the struggle against Islam, which forms the major obstacle to spiritual, cultural, social and political progress in Islamic societies.


Correspondence: The Satanic Verses Affair

Correspondance parue dans Solidarity. Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 22/23, Winter 1989-90, p. 20-22

Less than a great historical service

From ALISON WEIR, London:

In an extremely diffuse and ill-thought-out article (‘Who is Afraid of Satan?‘, Solidarity, Autumn 1989), ‘A El-Noor’ purports to address the possibility that Salman Rushdie has « set off a chain reaction of cultural criticism of religion in Islamic countries ». In addition, Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses has apparently « rendered Islamic civilisation a great historical service ». A El-Noor clearly wishes the Islamic countries well, and by ‘well’ he means that they should accommodate their need for scientific knowledge and technological expertise within the framework of Islam, or else abandon Islam. Not a very helpful or illuminating suggestion, if I may say so.


A. El-Noor: Who is affraid of Satan?

Article d’A. El-Noor paru dans Solidarity. A Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 21, Autumn 1989, p. 38

By setting off a chain reaction of cultural criticism of religion in
Islamic countries, writes A EL-NOOR, Salman Rushdie has rendered Islamic civilisation a great historical service

livres publications

The Situationists’ Anticolonialism: An Internationalist Perspective

Je suis heureux d’annoncer la parution du texte intitulé « The Situationists’ Anticolonialism: An Internationalist Perspective » qui figure dans l’ouvrage dirigé par Alastair Hemmens et Gabriel Zacarias, The Situationist International. A Critical Handbook.


Éditorial du numéro spécial de Kandokav, journal trotskyste iranien, janvier 1979

Éditorial paru dans Inprecor, n° 44, 1er février 1979, p. 8

La troisième révolution iranienne a commencé et ses vagues impétueuses se succèdent les unes après les autres.