
Jim Crow : La souffrance des Noirs aux Etats-Unis et en Afrique

Article signé Jim Crow paru dans L’Humanité, 8 avril 1928, p. 3

La race noire souffre non seulement d’une oppression impérialiste et d’une exploitation capitaliste pires que celles des ouvriers blancs, mais elle est assujettie de plus au martyre des préjuges de races, habilement entretenus par les exploiteurs capitalistes et leurs complices, les réformistes, parmi les ouvriers blancs non conscients. De ces préjugés est né ce qu’on appelle en Amérique le « Jim Crowism » (mesures appliquées contre « Jim le corbeau », sobriquet donné aux nègres) qui va de l’interdiction aux noirs de voyageur dans les infimes wagons que les blancs jusqu’au lynchage.


Adolph L. Reed Jr. : W.E.B. Du Bois and American Politics

Extrait du livre d’Adolph L. Reed Jr., W.E.B. Du Bois and American Politics: Fabianism and the Color Line, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997, p. 71-89

Three Confusions about Du Bois
Interracialism, Pan-Africanism, Socialism

DU BOIS’S PROMINENCE in this century’s Afro-American political life is widely recognized. Yet attempts to categorize him with respect to the various strategic and ideological programs constitutive of black political debate have yielded an uncommonly confusing picture. The confusion about locating Du Bois programmatically has two sources. The first is quite simple: Du Bois lived and acted through several discrete social and political situations that seemed to him to require different strategic responses for the race. Sometimes, especially when sundered from the situations to which they were responses, the strategies that he proposed appear to contradict one another. Analysts, then, have chosen and defended one or another set of strategies or one or another period as authentically Du Boisian. This is a problem of temporal or contextual focus.

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Adolph Reed Jr. : Tokens of the White Left

Article d’Adolph Reed Jr. paru dans The Progressive, Vol. 57, Issue 12, December 1993 et reproduit dans Class Notes. Posing As Politics and Other Thoughts on the American Scene, New York, The New Press, 2001, p. 71-76

For more than twenty years I refused on principle to use the phrase « the white left. » I did not want to give any credence to the view, commonly expressed among black activists in the late 1960s and after, that the leftist critique of American society was somehow white people’s property.