
Assef Bayat : « Shariati and Marx: A Critique of an « lslamic » Critique of Marxism »

Article d’Assef Bayat paru dans Alif. Journal of Comparative Poetics, n° 10, 1990, p. 19-41


Many have described Ali Shariati as the « ideologue » or the « architect » of the Iranian Revolution of 1979 (1). He has been represented as both an intellectual, who from a radical Islamic viewpoint, offered a vigorous critique of Marxism and other « Western fallacies » (2), and as a reformationist Islamic writer who was simultaneously « influenced by Marxist social ideas » (3).

There is little disagreement on Shariati’s role in transforming and refining the ideological perspective of millions of the literate Iranian youth. Shariati provided his audience with a firm and rigorous ideological means, by re-interpreting Islam through « scientific » concepts employed by the modern social sciences, an interpretation which the traditional Islamic clergy were incapable of formulating.


Algeria: The Revolution to Come?

Ma recension de l’essai de Hocine Belalloufi, La Démocratie en Algérie, Réforme ou révolution ? (2012), mise en ligne le 18 avril 2013 sur Jadaliyya.

En voici le premier paragraphe :

On the shelves of bookstores in Algiers, a book appeared a few months ago whose cover immediately stood out.  Under the image of a large classic-looking compass, in large and bold letters, is the question that Hocine Belalloufi tries to answer in roughly five hundred pages: Democracy in Algeria, Reform or Revolution? Since 2008, this former editor-in-chief of Alger Républicain and regular contributor to La Nation has issued a « plea for a new Arab revolution. » He undoubtedly draws on the political openings using the Tunisian revolution as a model. His new work asks us to « think about the Algerian crisis » fifty years after the liberation from colonialism and the imposition of an authoritarian regime.