
Grande-Bretagne : Quelles perspectives ?

Article paru dans Courant alternatif, n° 11, décembre 1981, p. 26-27

La Grande Bretagne a été secouée par une vague d’affrontements. Combats de rue, cocktails molotov et barricades : telle était l’image du pays où l’on déclarait il y a peu : « de telles choses ne peuvent arriver chez nous …». Nous avons rencontré un membre de groupe de Londres de l’organisation communiste libertaire SOLIDARITY et lui avons demandé ce qu’il pensait des derniers évènements survenus dans le pays de la « loi et de l’ordre » de Mme Thatcher. Sa vision des conséquences politiques de ces évènements contraste avec la présentation un peu triomphaliste qui a été faite dans certaines publications libertaires.


Correspondence: The Satanic Verses Affair (2)

Lettre d’A. El Noor parue dans Solidarity. A Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 24, Summer 1990, p. 15-16

Obsessed with God’s Will

From A EL NOOR, London:

In my article ‘Who is afraid of Satan?‘ (Solidarity #21), I put forward the following ideas:
1. Capitalist technology undermines all traditional cultures and belief systems; 2. A traditionalist culture or belief system under threat will often defend itself by regressing to fundamentalism; 3. Religious fundamentalism is reactionary – spiritually, culturally, socially and politically; 4. A historical (and psychological) interpretation of religion is an essential component of the struggle against religious fundamentalism; 5. In the absence of a historical interpretation of religion people will accept a religious interpretation of history; 6. Atheist socialists and nationalists in Islamic societies have failed to produce and promote a historical interpretation of Islam; 7. Salman Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses is a contribution to the struggle against Islam, which forms the major obstacle to spiritual, cultural, social and political progress in Islamic societies.


Correspondence: The Satanic Verses Affair

Correspondance parue dans Solidarity. Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 22/23, Winter 1989-90, p. 20-22

Less than a great historical service

From ALISON WEIR, London:

In an extremely diffuse and ill-thought-out article (‘Who is Afraid of Satan?‘, Solidarity, Autumn 1989), ‘A El-Noor’ purports to address the possibility that Salman Rushdie has « set off a chain reaction of cultural criticism of religion in Islamic countries ». In addition, Rushdie’s The Satanic Verses has apparently « rendered Islamic civilisation a great historical service ». A El-Noor clearly wishes the Islamic countries well, and by ‘well’ he means that they should accommodate their need for scientific knowledge and technological expertise within the framework of Islam, or else abandon Islam. Not a very helpful or illuminating suggestion, if I may say so.


A. El-Noor: Who is affraid of Satan?

Article d’A. El-Noor paru dans Solidarity. A Journal of Libertarian Socialism, 21, Autumn 1989, p. 38

By setting off a chain reaction of cultural criticism of religion in
Islamic countries, writes A EL-NOOR, Salman Rushdie has rendered Islamic civilisation a great historical service